When the upcoming film Sanju’s song Kar Har Maidaan Fateh released on the internet last Sunday, it became #1 on trending, and in less than 24 hours of its release had raked up 5.5 million views (55,81,727 to be precise).

In a week since its Youtube release, the song has raked up over 23 million views – that’s equivalent to reaching out to 20% of India’s urban population in top 20 cities.


Youtube is today world’s 2nd largest search engine after Google. On mobile alone, Youtube reaches more 18-49 year olds than any other TV channel, and every month 80% of 18-49 year olds watch Youtube videos. Isn’t then, Youtube the perfect way to create awareness?


For your brand, we did be happy to come up with video ideas that your target audience would absolutely love. Please reply to this email with the date & time convenient to you and we will be happy to meet you.

