When it comes to the pharma industry, a large number of companies regard their corporate websites as marginal – since they don’t generate direct revenue from it, why should they put more resources into it? 

In a digital world, your website is the first point of contact with the world. Consumers interested in seeing the organisation behind the products they love, job applicants wishing to understand how the culture empowers them to live the company values, potential partners researching a firm that arouses their interest or investors doing their due diligence – everyone makes a beeline for the company’s online home.

It’s therefore necessary for your company to have a very good website; one that grabs user attention, allows them to get the information they seek and engages them to further build their interest. Answer these questions to know if your company has a good website or is in need of a website revamp.


Q1. Does your website position your company correctly?

  1. A) Yes B) No C) Not Sure

Q2. Does your website tell your company’s latest story? It could be the latest breakthrough in research or the success of your recent marketing campaign.

  1. A) Yes B) No C) Not Sure

Q3. Is your website design refreshing? 

  1. A) Yes B) No C) Not Sure


Q4. Does your website have videos?

  1. A) Yes, it’s got plenty of videos B) There are no videos C) There’s just one corporate video

Q5. Does your website have full profiles & photos of the senior leadership & board of directors?

  1. A) Yes, it has profiles, photos and social handles B) No, it has none of it C) It has just the names & designations

Q6. Does your company have a life@company section?

  1. A) Yes, it has a beautiful section B) No, it doesn’t have any such section C) It doesn’t even have a career section

Q7. Does every product page have an enquiry button?

  1. A) Yes B) No C) We don’t need business enquiries


Q8. Is your website responsive in design? Can one see it on a mobile phone without the need to zoom-in our zoom-out?

  1. A) Yes B) No C) Not Sure

Q9. Does your website load within 3 seconds?

  1. A) Yes B) No C) Not Sure

Q10. Does your website load within 3 seconds?

  1. A) Yes B) No C) Only when the internet connection is extremely fast

If your answers are:

  • Mostly As – You have a good website. You must shift to the next gear by focussing on digital marketing efforts
  • Mostly Bs or Cs – You are in immediate need of a website revamp

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